Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sometimes the villains have all the cool powers.

Nearly everyone's been faced with the surprisingly difficult question "What superpower would you most like to have?" As a kid, I would always answer with something reasonably normal, like invisibility or flight or the ability to turn into an animal. Once I might've said I'd like the ability to turn into a navigable pink bubble, but that was only during my extensive Wizard of Oz phase. Anyway.

I've been thinking about that question a bit lately and I've realized that my answers have gotten less standard and more...situationally convenient. Sometimes I think a Cullen-esque ability to see into the future would be ideal, but I'd mostly just like to know what people are thinking. These past few days I've come to realize how nice it would be to have a bubble that automatically deflects potentially awkward situations. And some days I'd like a Super Metabolism. The answers vary.

It's pretty pathetic how most of these powers would really only fix my life, not improve it. Being painfully awkward is my is being worried about my future. I guess everyone has to deal with metabolism, but not being able to fly? Definitely not my fault. And I'm fairly sure that no one can turn into a cute little animal at will. So for now I think I'll try working on the negative aspects about myself that can be fixed, and maybe next time I'm asked what power I'd like I can jump ahead to the really cool ones, like bubble morphing or super speed.