Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Because we are in the midst of probably the most redundant time of year, dull days are bound to happen. School's routine, Christmas is a distant promise...and Thanksgiving? Over a week away- a bit too far for me. So I've composed a tiny list of strange activities specifically designed to sustain a sense of spontaneity/trick me into thinking it's a different time of year. Here we go.

1) Visit places that pride themselves on insanely early Christmas festivities. Like Bass Pro. I'm not usually an advocate of redneck apparatus but boy have they got some nice lights.

2) Partake in outdoors athletic activities like going on walks or playing soccer. Georgia heat will inevitably catch up with you and you'll fool yourself into believing it's summer in no time.

3) Don't apply to college. Don't even think about it. Then you won't have that SeniorFallStress thing going on.

4) Constantly tamper with the seasons on Animal Crossing. Don't bother pulling the weeds.

I'll be updating this list quite a bit. Hopefully.